The scope of this introduction is limited to showing active LWBR members how to log into the DACdb website, how to find their personal profiles, how to make changes or additions to their personal profiles, and how to view the profiles of the other active members of our club.

1. Go to the DACdb website using the following link. Don't click the link yet. For convenience, right-click the link and select "open link in new tab". This will allow you to keep the instructions on one tab and the website on a separate tab. 


2. If you have entered the website previously and know your username and password, enter them now and go into the website.

If you are in the website, move forward to item 3 below.

If you have not entered the website before or have forgotten your credentials, your email address is your username. Enter it into the space shown. Then, click "forgot password?" to have a link sent to your email address, so you can set up a new password. When the new password is accepted, enter it into the space provided on the logon page. Our club number is 4325, however it is not required.

3. The home screen, after entering the website, will show five tabs at the top left of the screen. The five tabs are Home, My Data, My Club, District, and Support.

4. To view your personal profile click on My Data. Review the information and decide if changes or additions are needed. If so, look to the upper left of the screen for the headline Member Navigation. Under this heading is Edit Member. Click on Edit Member to go into the profile development area. Make all additions and/or changes needed. Then, click on the Update button at the top right of the screen.

5. To view the profiles of other LWBR club members, click on the My Club tab at the top of the screen. After doing so, you will see a number of icons on the screen. Click on the icon labeled Club Members. The board members' names and pictures will be at the top of the screen. Scroll down below these pictures, and you will see an alphabetical listing of all the current club members. Click on the name of the member whose profile you would like to see.

6. Look to the top right of the screen for your name. Click your name, and a drop-down list will appear. Click logout to properly exit the website.

This concludes the information meant to meet the scope of this lesson. Email Dick Howell at rho9922@gmail.com for help with other functions available on the DACdb website.

Club Leaders
2023-2024 Sponsors (Click on Logo to redirect to website)